editor’s letter
elf-confidence stems from the
most unlikely sources sometimes.
I know some of the most picture-
perfect beauties who are nervous
messes when it comes to that
inner belief in themselves and I know of the
most self-satisfied, content, and confident
women who don’t necessarily fit that ideal
image of Miss Universe. If you just think
about all the self-confident women you
know in your lives, you will most likely
come up with a list of women who don’t tilt
the scales either way, but walk the line
somewhere in between. It has so much to do
with maintaining a balance between looking
good and feeling good; being in an
emotionally stable space and being
comfortable as an individual in your own
right; and also about finding that work-
family-life-love balance that all of us yearn
for. Contributing Editor Shilpi Madan got
Bryan Adams in India!
The Indian edition of Bryan Adams Live Full Band Show
World Tour comes to India this February. The best part: a
percentage of WIP tickets will go to Save the Children
India, an NGO that works for underprivileged kids. Dates:
th; Bangalore
th; Delhi
th, Hyderabad
th. For
the experts to debunk some myths for us
(and real people to give us their
perspective) on page 43.
What is February without a delicious
dose of Valentine romance. As we do every
year, we celebrate the loving season with
lots of special stories through the issue. One
that will be indispensable, we promise, is
our Gifts of Love feature on page 30, where
Senior Stylist Ruchika Goswamy has
literally scoured the market for presents for
you and your partner within every
conceivable budget. Elsewhere in the issue,
you will be inspired by real-life tales of
what some readers did or had done for
them by loved ones. Strawberries (but, of
course!) are on the menu in our Food
section and mushy comfort reads make it to
our Books page, and if you really want some
unusual V-Dav ideas, we suggest you logon
to the websites we recommend on page 60.
Health is one of the most important
aspects in all our lives today, which is why
we at team BHG spend a great deal of time
and many pages on giving you the heads up
on leading a healthier, happier life. On page
95 we divulge some mood-boosting foods
that are sure to surprise you. Hint: eat
asparagus when you’re bored, apples when
you’re crabby, and a wholewheat tuna
sandwich to fight the blues. Also, we show
you how a mindset makeover can put you
back on track with your whole fitness
regime. It’s as easy as 1,2,3.
.. Find out more
on page 98.
Enjoy the issue.
We Turn 4!
Believe it or not, but
Homes and Gardens
is turning four
next month! Write in with any
special "anniversary" memories and
you may win a surprise gift and get
published. Write in to
J O U ,
Payai Kohli,
P H O T O G R A P H : A N A Y M A N N ; T O P : T E X IN D U S